Come along to an information session for your local area!

The Sunshine Coast Regional Council will be holding a number of online presentations to help inform the community but also give you a chance to ask questions to their planning staff.


Each local online session can be viewed either:

  • live at the scheduled time, or
  • ‘on demand’ via the recorded video.

If you can’t attend or miss your online session, a recording of the presentation will be available. Past information session details are available by clicking here.


Not sure which local plan area you are located in?

Eighteen (18) new local plan areas (LPAs) are proposed in the new planning scheme. The proposed LPAs cover the whole of the Sunshine Coast. To find out which proposed local plan area you are located in, you can search an address in the Local Plan Area Boundaries tab on by clicking on the Sunshine Coast Council’s Local planning directions Have Your Say page.