Giving back to the community while making friends is a healthy activity.
Do you have a few hours per week to spare and skills to offer?
Maleny Neighbourhood Centre is a volunteer community and we are always looking for more volunteers.
All Volunteers need to:
- Be a member of MNC – Join MNC Today!
- Come in for a discussion about your application and fill out a Volunteer Application form.
- Accept the Volunteer Conditions – Read the Volunteer Conditions HERE
- Sign a Privacy Agreement – Read the Privacy Conditions HERE and download the Privacy conditions HERE
- Hold a current Blue Card – we can help you apply for one.
If you have any questions about volunteering please email our Volunteer Support Worker Nancy
The following is a list of some of the Volunteer positions on offer:
- Front Counter Reception
- Computer Trainers / IT Helpers
- Administrators
- Grant Writers
- Qualified and Registered Counsellors and Social Workers
- Gardener / Landscaper
- Building Maintenance
- Caterers / Kitchen Hands
- Fund Raisers
- Event Managers
- Organisers / Cleaners
If you are interested in becoming a volunteer please Read the Volunteer Conditions, Read the Privacy Policy then fill out the Expression of Interest Form below.
Our Volunteer Support Worker will contact you to arrange an interview and complete the rest of the necessary paperwork.
MNC Volunteer Expression of Interest
Please let us know a little bit about yourself and why you would like to volunteer with MNC.
Volunteer Conditions
About Maleny Neighbourhood Centre
- To respect and value our members, staff and volunteers
- To develop a sustainable Neighbourhood Centre
- To work collaboratively with community groups and individuals
- To develop partnerships based on mutual respect
- To create innovative responses to poverty and disadvantage
- To organise and deliver projects with community members
- To advocate to local, state and commonwealth governments to improve services to our area
- To share our resources with the wider community; particularly those who are marginalised and disadvantaged
- To make our facilities available to other groups in a spirit of cooperation
- To provide a safe space for new groups to emerge
- To be responsive to the needs of Maleny and the communities of the Sunshine Coast Hinterland
- To sustain a vibrant, dynamic and effective community organisation
- To work collaboratively with other agencies to enhance connections
- To develop and maintain facilities and resources that enable MNC to operate
- Resources: Maleny Neighbourhood Centre does not receive any regular funding. MNC is self-funded. This means we need to be very careful with expenses and resources. As a volunteer you are most welcome to use the facilities and attend workshops. There are, however limitations to what we can provide. Your work here is voluntary. There is no financial payment (other than reimbursement for out–ofpocket expenses).
- Centre Environment: The Centre seeks to provide a safe, healthy and harmonious working environment which is free from harassment. We need to work together to foster respect and create a supportive environment. You are expected to practice good communication while at the Centre. You must be safe in your work practices and take care of yourself and others when carrying out your duties. If you have any concerns, they should be brought to the immediate attention of the Manager.
- Training: The Centre will provide you with training to assist you to perform your duties. You will learn about various operations of Maleny Neighbourhood Centre from the Manager, the Volunteer Coordinator and through the monthly morning teas for volunteers held on the third Tuesday of each month from 10am to 11.30am. Please make an effort to attend these morning teas to learn as much as you can about the Centre and to meet other volunteers. If you have any special requirements, please bring these to the Manager’s attention.
- Insurance: The Centre holds Public Liability and Personal Accident Insurance which extends to Volunteers. The Centre does not hold insurance that covers accidents in personal motor vehicles. Volunteers are not covered by Workers Compensation Insurance.
- Blue Card: ALL Volunteers are required to hold a Blue Card. If you are not a Blue Card holder you will need to apply for one immediately. The Manager or Volunteer Coordinator will assist with the application process.
- Membership: Volunteers are required to become members of the Maleny Neighbourhood Centre. Volunteer Membership is equivalent to the Concession Rate which is currently $6. You can become a Member online HERE or you can join when at the Centre.
- Volunteers are required to keep matters regarding the Centre and its clients confidential. However, information regarding the health and safety of clients, volunteers and members of the public should be reported to the Manager. You must keep information about groups, clients, members of staff, members of the Management Committee and fellow volunteers in the strictest confidence. You must also keep all administrative matters also in strictest confidence and not discuss issues of a confidential nature outside the Centre.
- Emergency Relief Supplies: The Centre receives donations of food and other goods to assist community members in need. These supplies are not to be used / taken home by volunteers for personal use. If volunteers need emergency relief please see the Manager. In general, volunteers are asked to use discretion in managing the Emergency Relief stores with Flexi School students and / or the Centre’s fortnightly Community Lunch.
- Access to Premises: Volunteers are welcome between the hours of 9am to 3pm. If you need to access the Centre outside these hours, please make arrangements with the Manager.
- Computers: Computers and printers are available for personal use on a limited basis. Three or four copies may be printed free of charge. A charge of 10c per copy applies for further copies.
- Internet: The internet is available for you to use for purposes such as accessing emails, internet banking etc.
- Telephone/Fax: Personal calls and faxes are permitted. However, please limit them and keep them short.
- Laundry: Volunteers can use the laundry facilities occasionally. In an effort to save Centre resources, please do not wash clothes here on a regular basis.
- Bathroom/Shower: Please feel free to use the bathroom and shower. You will need to provide your own towel. Please ensure the bathroom is left clean, neat and tidy.
- Kitchen: Volunteers are welcome to make tea and coffee and use the kitchen to heat or store food which has been brought in for personal use.
- Grievances: To be effective, the Maleny Neighbourhood Centre needs to operate harmoniously. Communication between people associated with the Centre should be respectful. Any matters of concern should be raised immediately with the Manager. If a matter is not satisfactorily resolved, it will be treated through a Conflict Resolution process.
- Conflict Resolution: The Manager will engage a communication facilitator who will speak privately to each party involved. Once each party is comfortable a group session will be held to seek harmony between the parties. Further sessions will be held if required.
- Unsatisfactory Performance: Work at the Centre will be considered unsatisfactory if it is not of a high standard. Misconduct in public or making statements which discredit the Centre or other volunteers means a volunteer may be asked to leave the Centre and not permitted return to work. If serious issues arise the Manager will discuss appropriate standards of conduct. Written records of these issues may be kept. If a volunteer believes that he or she has been unfairly criticised or his or her position has been terminated unfairly, he or she is encouraged to go through a grievance / conflict resolution process.
- Dress Code: Volunteers represent the Centre and are therefore expected to dress appropriately for work; be clean, neat and tidy including footwear.
- Gardens: Volunteers can access produce from the gardens within limits. Produce is grown to support the fortnightly lunches. It is respectful to ask the garden team before picking. A donation is appreciated (box on front counter).
- The Maleny Neighbourhood Centre has a nonsmoking policy throughout which includes buildings and grounds. Smokers could use Bicentennial Park.
Privacy Agreement for Staff and Volunteers of MNC
This Privacy Agreement relates to Workers and paid or unpaid Volunteers at Maleny Neighbourhood Centre Association Inc.
Information that needs to remain confidential and private comes from the following sources:
- Organisational information – this includes written and verbal information from Management Committee meetings, sub-committee meetings, volunteer meetings and any other meeting of the organisation where discussion takes place
- Client information – this includes written and verbal information from clients and service users to volunteers, staff and management committee members.
Maleny Neighbourhood Centre will endeavour to protect confidentiality wherever possible and will create an environment of respect and privacy for its management committee members, staff, volunteers, clients and service users.
Confidentiality applies to verbal information, written information and information stored and passed on, by computers. All organisational information from the Management Committee, staff and volunteers will be filed and where appropriate will be filed in a locked cabinet.
The MNC Management Committee has the responsibility to ensure that written information is stored in a confidential and private way. Other persons may be nominated from either the Management Committee, staff or volunteers to assist with this responsibility.
All meetings, discussions and interviews will take place in a private space. It is acknowledged that due to accommodation constraints this may at times be difficult.
Information may only be disclosed or given in the following circumstances:
- The client or service user gives permission
- Where the issue of safety of other service users, clients, staff or volunteers or management committee may be endangered
- Where there are significant issues of safety or well being that ethically, legally or morally; require a management committee member, service user, client, staff or volunteer or report to another authority, this should always be discussed with an accountable person within the organisation such as the Secretary, President, Treasurer or another member.
As an employee at MNC (paid or unpaid) I have read the above Privacy Agreement. I agree to abide by the conditions and processes outlined above.
Download a copy to sign HERE