Maleny Floral Art Group

Maleny Neighbourhood Centre 17 Bicentenary lane, Maleny, QLD

Come along and meet Meryl, on the First Tuesday of each month. Meryl will show you step by step, how to make lovely floral arrangements. Meryl will take photos of the steps she uses to make the arrangements and email them to you. She will also take photos of your work each week and email [...]


A Welcoming Place: Daylily Ceremony and Consultation Event

Maleny Neighbourhood Centre 17 Bicentenary lane, Maleny, QLD

The Maleny Neighbourhood Centre is super excited to share a new project that’s happening! We recently received a generous donation as well as some extra funding to give the MNC at 17 Bicentenary Lane a bit of an uplift. We’d like for our local community and centre visitors (aka. you!) to get involved in a [...]

Community Morning Tea

Come and celebrate National Neighbourhood Centre Week with us. No RSVP required, just join us for a free Community Morning Tea and a chat. The theme for this year's Neighbourhood Centre Week is Locals -Connecting - Locals! We look forward to connecting with you!

MNC Trivia Night

Maleny RSL Club 1 Bunya St, Maleny, QLD

Next month we’re holding a Trivia Night to raise funds for the MNC. Same deal as last year—you can book a table of eight, or buy individual tickets if you’d rather meet new people! The bar will be open; bring a plate of food to share with your teammates. You won’t need a PhD in [...]


MNC Chess Club

Maleny Neighbourhood Centre 17 Bicentenary lane, Maleny, QLD

Come to the MNC and join our resident Chess Master Collin. Chess Club is for beginners who are interested in learning chess and people who are looking for a game. MNC Chess club will run from Thursday 16 May and every second week after that. Everyone Welcome!