Community Development
Community Development Principles:
Community Development principles start from the premise that communities have their own existing strengths and assets and through encouraging participation and inclusion to identify and address their own needs.
Community Development Practice Model (from Neighbourhood Houses Victoria )
These six steps enable Maleny Neighbourhood Centre to meet the needs of their local community.
- INVOLVING: Involving the community and encouraging participation and inclusion, and valuing diversity and difference at all levels of MNC operation
- IDENTIFYING: Identifying community needs and aspirations
- DETERMINING: Determining appropriate community programs, activities and services in response to those needs, ensuring that diversity and difference are valued
- PARTNERING: Partnering with community organisations, businesses, government and philanthropic organisations to secure appropriate funding and support
- DELIVERING: Delivering quality programs, activities and services
- EVALUATING: Evaluating the effectiveness of all aspects of MNC operations, including programs, practice and governance.
We see MNC as a welcoming multifunctional community space in the heart of Maleny that provides opportunities for community connection and well being for young people, families and the broader community.
One way in which we do this is by auspicing other groups and programs who provide services to the local community that foster these goals. To ‘auspice’ means to provide support, sponsorship or guidance.
CHASM (Community Housing Conversations)